The Language of Love

When you give a dog a job – even requiring them to pay attention to you is a job…you take the weight of the world off of their shoulders. Limiting the options for your dog makes them feel more secure, but also this consistency calms the brain and allows them to settle. It is vitalContinue reading “The Language of Love”

My Furry Guru Series : The Gentle Leader

The more days that I enjoy waking up on this side of the grass, the more I appreciate the wonderful teachers in my life. In My Furry Guru posts, I will share some thoughts on how the non-human teachers in my life have taught me to recognize, and appreciate, the value of their teachings. Appreciation,Continue reading “My Furry Guru Series : The Gentle Leader”

Power Moves: Lessons in Leadership

This year we have been brought face to face, in so many ways, with what makes an adequate, good, and great leader. Even if we didn’t choose it to be so, all of us are examples to someone. If you are an entrepreneur, a leader in an organization, or a leader in your own life…orContinue reading “Power Moves: Lessons in Leadership”